Sunday, September 24, 2017

Last time I posted I told you about what I am calling the true broke man's plan Infinity Traffic Boost.

If you are not here, you are throwing Bitcoin away.  Nuff said.

I wanted to bring attention to the free Bitcoin miner at FreeBitcoin

I have been using it for the last week when I am not using my computer and have made an extra 3000 Satoshi for doing nothing but let the miner run.

Also, incase you didn't know, FreeBitcoin will pay you 4.08% interest yearly if you have a balance of 30,000 Satoshi or more.  Right now I have 92,000 Satoshi there and am earning an extra 10 Satoshi a day by just letting it sit there.  I does not get any easier to earn Bitcoin.

I suspect the miner at FreeBitcoin is the same as the one at MoonBitcoin but I have not tried using it.

If you are using it with any success, please drop me a line and let me know.

Last bit of news for today, Coach Kris is getting ready to launch his new site Echo Traffic Club. Keep an eye out as this will be an awesome resource for advertising online.

That's it for today.

Sunday, September 17, 2017

All I can say is, Holy Crap!  It's been almost a month since I have made a post for you guys.

I have been working 80 plus hour weeks and have been running on fumes.

We have had a few people join the team in the last couple of weeks and of course many that have been with me for a while.

I wanted to make sure everyone has seen the emails from GBS about Infinity Traffic Boost.

This place is truly the "Broke man's plan" for making money via Bitcoin. You can join for free and earn over 3 Bitcoin in like 54 days or pay for your upgrade and earn over 3 Bitcoin in like 24 days.

You will have to surf at least ten pages a day (100 reccomended)  but the payoff can be huge.

Click here to join and watch the two video's.  Yet another way to start with nothing/very little.

That's it for today, short and sweet.
