Friday, August 18, 2017

Time for the weekly post. I did not send one out last week. I ran out of time and before I knew it, it was Sunday already and I just decided to wait till this week.

I want to talk about 2DollarWave.

The team build we are doing with 2DollarWave is a huge success thus far. We have people who have never made a dime online before making money and of course people who have been at it a while that are starting to make a killing.

Initial investment is $2, although I reccomend taking the other two $5 positions as well.

Now, before I get anymore hate mail that I didn't tell anyone about this, if you were on Skype with us like you should be, than you would have been in the know from the beginning. 

If you have joined 2DollarWave and not invested or have not joined yet since it costs money, it's only $2 to start.  Please do not insult my intelligence and tell me you can not come up with $2 some how.

Everyone reading this can do it and I would venture to say most reading this can do the full $12 for all three positions. 

Once you join, Coach will give you your very own team link. All we ask is you achieve 500 hits a week to help promote. For that we will help get you your first two referrals and then help them get their first two and so on.

It all boils down to how bad do you want it?

And no, 500 hits is not very hard to do. Most people do that in one day but over the course of a week it is super easy.

That's it for today, let's all go make some money.


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