Friday, July 21, 2017

Here is this weeks weekly post.  I am running a bit behind due to all of the traveling but I am finally home and I hope to stay for a while. 

I can not stress enough how much communication will benefit your online business. In the last couple of weeks I have seen people get bent all out of shape multiple times because they don't understand something when all they had to do was communicate.  Not even that really, all they really had to do was just READ. They could have either read what I write here, or and everyone reading this should be here, read on Skype

Most reading this have still not joined us in the Delta Team room on Skype.  Why not? 

Let me ask you this and I would like a real honest answer.... Do you really want to succeed online or are you just playing? Are you really here to kill time when you are bored?

You are part of a group of people that work tirelessly to help you achieve success and it seems many just don't want it.  

Sorry for the rant, but I am sick and tired of people whining that they are not making any money but yet they know so much that they do not need to follow our plan.  

I HAVE NEVER MADE AS MUCH MONEY ONLINE AS I DO NOW! Thank you to everyone involved with GBS.

That said, this weeks to wallet was .00007516  , two GBS referrals and two Everyone Can Earn Matrix referrals.

Not bad for not being home. lol

Just a reminder, if you have .002 btc and want to join us at ECEM now is the best time. Karen also launched here sister site Everyone Can Earn, which is real similar to GBS.

If you need help, let me know, but you better be prepared to follow through. All I ask is you don't waste my time if you won't put in the work.


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