Sunday, October 1, 2017

Introducing the Echo Traffic Club!

This is our newest edition to the Task Force Echo team. This will be our list building through All In One Profits site.

If you are part of our AIOP team you will also get a free upgrade to PRO level 1 at ETC.

Even is you are new to all of this and still learning, I encourage you to join anyway and you will be missing out on valuable advice on how to market and succeed.

For those of you that have been with me for a while you know this site will take off like wildfire and a lot of money is to be made.

We will even help you get five active referrals if you join us and help promote the team link 500 hits a week (not hard to do).

For those of you reading this that are still sitting on the sidelines, what are you waiting for? You will not start succeeding until you start taking action. And it takes most people three years of action taking to really say they succeeded!   Stop waiting and get on board!


Sunday, September 24, 2017

Last time I posted I told you about what I am calling the true broke man's plan Infinity Traffic Boost.

If you are not here, you are throwing Bitcoin away.  Nuff said.

I wanted to bring attention to the free Bitcoin miner at FreeBitcoin

I have been using it for the last week when I am not using my computer and have made an extra 3000 Satoshi for doing nothing but let the miner run.

Also, incase you didn't know, FreeBitcoin will pay you 4.08% interest yearly if you have a balance of 30,000 Satoshi or more.  Right now I have 92,000 Satoshi there and am earning an extra 10 Satoshi a day by just letting it sit there.  I does not get any easier to earn Bitcoin.

I suspect the miner at FreeBitcoin is the same as the one at MoonBitcoin but I have not tried using it.

If you are using it with any success, please drop me a line and let me know.

Last bit of news for today, Coach Kris is getting ready to launch his new site Echo Traffic Club. Keep an eye out as this will be an awesome resource for advertising online.

That's it for today.

Sunday, September 17, 2017

All I can say is, Holy Crap!  It's been almost a month since I have made a post for you guys.

I have been working 80 plus hour weeks and have been running on fumes.

We have had a few people join the team in the last couple of weeks and of course many that have been with me for a while.

I wanted to make sure everyone has seen the emails from GBS about Infinity Traffic Boost.

This place is truly the "Broke man's plan" for making money via Bitcoin. You can join for free and earn over 3 Bitcoin in like 54 days or pay for your upgrade and earn over 3 Bitcoin in like 24 days.

You will have to surf at least ten pages a day (100 reccomended)  but the payoff can be huge.

Click here to join and watch the two video's.  Yet another way to start with nothing/very little.

That's it for today, short and sweet.


Friday, August 18, 2017

Time for the weekly post. I did not send one out last week. I ran out of time and before I knew it, it was Sunday already and I just decided to wait till this week.

I want to talk about 2DollarWave.

The team build we are doing with 2DollarWave is a huge success thus far. We have people who have never made a dime online before making money and of course people who have been at it a while that are starting to make a killing.

Initial investment is $2, although I reccomend taking the other two $5 positions as well.

Now, before I get anymore hate mail that I didn't tell anyone about this, if you were on Skype with us like you should be, than you would have been in the know from the beginning. 

If you have joined 2DollarWave and not invested or have not joined yet since it costs money, it's only $2 to start.  Please do not insult my intelligence and tell me you can not come up with $2 some how.

Everyone reading this can do it and I would venture to say most reading this can do the full $12 for all three positions. 

Once you join, Coach will give you your very own team link. All we ask is you achieve 500 hits a week to help promote. For that we will help get you your first two referrals and then help them get their first two and so on.

It all boils down to how bad do you want it?

And no, 500 hits is not very hard to do. Most people do that in one day but over the course of a week it is super easy.

That's it for today, let's all go make some money.


Friday, August 4, 2017

I've got two things for you today,

First, don't forget about our weekly training tomorrow 10 am CST

Second, we are still trying to work the bugs out so people with no money can earn their way while not slowing down those that have money to invest so they can get moving quicker.

So we are recommending starting with Neobux and once you have enough to cash out  then you would join Everyone Can Earn Matrix team build, once your first level has cycled then you will join Leased Ad Space ( tons of money to be made here), from there we go to All In One Profits, and then The Online Ad Network.

Basically it's a gradual progression to earn more as you grow.

Now, go to training tomorrow.


Thursday, August 3, 2017

It's that time of the week again, time to beg for communication. 

I keep getting emails asking me questions about this or that and the people asking the questions are getting frustrated because it may take more than twelve hours for me to respond.  Join us here on Skype and ask for the Delta room. Get most questions answered in minutes instead of hours.

Nuff, said.  Either you want to be successful or you just say you want to be successful.

Speaking of which, if you join Everyone Can Earn, Karen has a free ebook titled "Are you ready to earn?" It's basically some small tips on how to have a little more success online.

Some notes from a Task Force Echo meeting earlier

Coach's rules:
– Build your list
– Show up
– Communicate
– Get educated
– Stick around for at least twelve months
– Focus on your business, you can’t serve two masters (programs)

We are currently working on our The Online Ad Network team build for Task Force Echo. It's $19.95 a month and you can post 50 banners/texts. You are also paid via a matrix pay system if you decide to promote it for referrals.  If you join us and help us promote as a team, our goal is to get you three referrals within three months. 

This weeks btc to wallet is .00006999.  and one referral at the downliner.

For those of you that have not logged into the GBS site for a while you are at risk of getting deleted from the system due to inactiviy.  

For those that are ready to give in and start succeeding, make sure check out the downline builder for any missing id's or programs that have been added.  


Saturday, July 29, 2017

For those that missed the webinar with Brian Rooney and Coach K on our team build at The Online Ad Network, here it is.

Friday, July 28, 2017

Time for our weekly update.  

Please don't forget to check in everyday into the Delta room for any updates and to ask any questions you may have.  If you will not communicate with us we can not help you.

So, this weeks btc to wallet was .00029497, two GBS referrals, one ECEM referral and two ECE referrals.

I have mentioned The Online Ad Network a few times, and have found out you can have up to 50 banners or texts at any one time.   That is more than anywhere else I have found.

So right now our top three builds with the Task Force Echo Team are  The Online Ad Network, Everyone Can Earn Matrix and All In One Profits.

If you have any questions please ask on Skype as it will be way quicker.


Sunday, July 23, 2017

Whoop, whoop, it's time for the weekly hit counts.

Me 1104
Joseph 74

Joseph's hit counts are low this week as we have been concentrating on All In One Profits.  

Did you know that by joining the Task Force Echo Team at AIOP we will get you three paid referrals? All you have to do is get at least 500 hits a week to your team link.  

We have a pretty big team but most will get all three within three to four months and you will have access to all of the tools AIOP has for your online business from the get go.

I am sure you have seen the emails from the GBS admin about the Everyone Can Earn Matrix
Initial cost is .002 btc but the beginning is now. This matrix will be around for a long time since it is ours but as you know, those who are there at the beginning earn the most in the end.

Friday, July 21, 2017

Here is this weeks weekly post.  I am running a bit behind due to all of the traveling but I am finally home and I hope to stay for a while. 

I can not stress enough how much communication will benefit your online business. In the last couple of weeks I have seen people get bent all out of shape multiple times because they don't understand something when all they had to do was communicate.  Not even that really, all they really had to do was just READ. They could have either read what I write here, or and everyone reading this should be here, read on Skype

Most reading this have still not joined us in the Delta Team room on Skype.  Why not? 

Let me ask you this and I would like a real honest answer.... Do you really want to succeed online or are you just playing? Are you really here to kill time when you are bored?

You are part of a group of people that work tirelessly to help you achieve success and it seems many just don't want it.  

Sorry for the rant, but I am sick and tired of people whining that they are not making any money but yet they know so much that they do not need to follow our plan.  

I HAVE NEVER MADE AS MUCH MONEY ONLINE AS I DO NOW! Thank you to everyone involved with GBS.

That said, this weeks to wallet was .00007516  , two GBS referrals and two Everyone Can Earn Matrix referrals.

Not bad for not being home. lol

Just a reminder, if you have .002 btc and want to join us at ECEM now is the best time. Karen also launched here sister site Everyone Can Earn, which is real similar to GBS.

If you need help, let me know, but you better be prepared to follow through. All I ask is you don't waste my time if you won't put in the work.


Friday, July 14, 2017

Welcome to this weeks GBS Team 598 weekly report.

First off, get you bitcoin ready, it looks like on the 18th we will officially launch Everyone Can Earn Matrix.  It will cost .002 btc to join.

Now this just wouldn't be one of my weekly's if I didn't harp on you to communicate. So many that read this have still not joined us on Skype.  What is it going to take? 

We are also refocusing on Pays4Ever, if you have not joined up yet now is the time. $2 to start but we do reccomend getting up to Phase 1 Level 3 right away, this would cost a total of $14. Once you have joined, let Coach know and he will get you a team link to promote.

One thing I wanted to mention, weekly hit counts.  I hear people bitching all the time about how it's unfair to expect them to get 500 hits a week for more than one program.  To that I say, you might as well quit now.  I have like no time right now and I am still getting over 5000 hits a week between four different programs. So it should be pretty friggin easy to get 500 hits a week between two or three. Why not try Referral Frenzy?

I also wanted to mention,, I know most of you are already there, but did you know that on any balance you have there of .0003 or more that you can earn 4% a year interest?   That might not seem like much but it's money you did'nt have to work for.  Just make sure you don't have the auto withdrawl button clicked and make sure you claim there everyday to build up your savings.

So, to the meat and potatoes.  One GBS referral this week for a total of 134, two HBM referrals for a total of 11 (Please help me, help her get this mailer up and running by joining today) and this weeks btc to wallet was .00008088 , still to busy to do alot of faucet work but it all ads up in the end.

That's it for this week, as always, join us in our Skype room if you are not already there, say hi to David (the Delta team leader), make sure and log in to GBS and double check your id's in the dlb, get your .002 btc ready for ECEM and promote, promote, promote.


Sunday, July 9, 2017

Hey all, it's weekly hit time.

I am traveling right now so this will be super short.

Hit counts

Me           2426
Joseph     195
Alan        187
Rich        64    (Rich has less than 24 hours with his link) 

I am not sure what happend this last week as far as hit counts but we need to work harder at it. I will just leave it at that.

Now, get on Skype and talk to each other.


P.S.  Please help Sandra get her site going, click on the banner below and join would ya?

Friday, July 7, 2017

It's that time of the week again to see what is happening in the world GBS.

I know you have never heard this before, but, communication, communication, communication. Need I say more?

If you are reading this, and you are active, you should be here in the Delta Team Skype room.

Moving on, this weeks to wallet was .00007646. In the next couple of weeks I have a few of the bigger ones that should pay out, I love it when that happens.  I have received two GBS referrals and one P4E referral.  

This time of year I can't wait for winter so things will pick up online. 

Couple of things to go over this week.

We will be starting a new campaign soon for Pays4Ever. It is $2 to start. If you are interested, go into the dlb find it and sign up.  

The new in-house matrix is still testing but they say progress is being made.  It should launch soon.

Lastly I wanted to talk about MoonBitcoin, I have noticed that people will hit that faucet for a couple of days and then quit.  That is the type of faucet you must hit everyday without fail. Every day you claim, your loyalty percentage goes up so you earn more. After 100 days you are doubling your earnings. If you just hit it and run it will not really pay out for you.  Something to think about.

That's it for this week.


Sunday, July 2, 2017

Welcome to this weeks hit counts.

Me               1705
Joesph          327
Neil             44
Alan            3615

Man, Alan is making me feel bad. lol    Good job this week Alan.

Joseph, awesome job compared to last week.  Keep it going that direction.

I wanted to mention three off topic things while I have your attention.

1. Make sure you log in and check your downline builder as some changes have been made and some referral id's may have been erased.

2.  There is a good chance that by this Friday Karen will be ready to launch her new matrix. You will need .002 btc to join so get ready.

3. Charles redesigned the Pro levels at GBS so check them out.

That's all I have this week boy and girls. Keep promoting and keep earning.


Friday, June 30, 2017

Allright, short and sweet this week.  Man what a busy week.

The rules in life still have not changed since last week, COMMUNICATION, is a must.  Without it you WILL NOT succeed. Especially online.  

I have so little time right now but I always make sure and send something out at least twice a week. Are you communicating with your referrals?

Speaking of which, first, I know it's a pain in the ass to get your referrals info from GBS, it is being looked at to find a solution with the software but until then you must email Charles McClure or go on Skype and ask him there.  He is on Skype to help 18 hours a day.

If you want it easier, just join All In One Profits. That way not only are you getting the email address right away, you are building your list at the same time.  AND, since you will join from your DLB you will be joining the Task Force Echo team and we will help you get AIOP referrals also.  WIN - WIN!

I have only been with AIOP for about three months and I am well into profit.  I also promote it by itself above and beyond GBS but GBS comes first.

So, to the meat and potatoes, this weeks to wallet btc .00006634 (told you I have been busy) , four GBS referrals, one Super Ape referral and one AIOP referral.

I have rambled on long enough, if you have any questions, you know how to get a hold of me or GET ON SKYPE!


Sunday, June 25, 2017

It's that time of the week again folks, here are the hit counts for the last week.

Myself   1693
Joseph    58
Neil       110
Alan      2568

First off, if you think your name should be on this list and it is not, you had zero hits last week and are no longer on the team rotator.  You must contact me if you want back on.

Second, I understand that some sites have been down this last week or so due to DDOS attacks BUT,
if you are limiting yourself to that few of sites than you hurting yourself more than helping.

I advertise on over 120 different safelists and over 50 TE's and that is with averaging only 2 hours a day to work on my online business.  God knows what Alan is doing to get all of those hits but it's got to be more than me. 

That's for this week. It's time to expand your promotions so we can get back on track.


Friday, June 23, 2017

Welcome to this weeks update! 

As always, if you want to be successful you must communicate.  Have you joined us on the Skype chat yet?  Completed at least mission 1?  What are you waiting for???????

This week I have been super busy with everything else in life but did manage to accumulate .00006803 btc and four GBS referrals.

We now have a new matrix in the testing phase started by one of our own, so we can trust this one will be around for quite some time and won't just take our money and run.

Get .002 btc ready. We should be done testing real soon.

There ya go, short and sweet.


Thursday, June 22, 2017

Sunday, June 18, 2017

Here are the hit counts for the week of 6/11/17 thru 6/17/17

My hits                1712
Joseph's hits        293
Neil's hits            152

If you are on the team rotator and you are not listed here, it means you have NO hits last week and you will not be included this week without contacting me.

As we all know we are looking for at least 500 hits a week.  500 is really not that hard to do so we must work harder to accomplish this goal.

If you would like to be included in the team rotator, let me know but be prepared, I will want to know where you are at with the GBS missions and what you are already doing to promote your GBS business. 

I am looking for truly active people only. Most of my advertising I pay for so when I use it to help you  I want to know that I am receiving help in return. I will not build your team for you! 

That's it for today, go make some money.


Friday, June 16, 2017

Welcome to this weeks Great Bitcoin Strategies Team 598 weekly post.

I sent something out last week to see if anyone needed help building their team. I received one reply from a gentleman who when asked where he was at with the missions and what promoting he has been doing for his GBS business, he quit communicating with me.

I will not build YOUR team for you. I will help you, I will not do it myself. 

If you can't put forth at least half the effort I put in to building mine then we may as well part ways. I spend a decent amount of money every month for traffic as I do not have time to go the free route. Yes it can be done for free with enough time and patience, neither of which I seem to have.

Having said that, this weeks to wallet amount is .00009372 , not alot of time this last week but if you need to use the faucets to get btc I would get on it asap.  With the drop in btc some of the faucets have loosened up.  I received one GBS referral, one Conversion Surf referral and four referrals each at Get Your Bitcoin & World of Bitcoin.

If you really want to get your business going, check out Referral Frenzy. It sure does save me a ton of time.

That's it for this week, short and sweet.


Saturday, June 10, 2017

Just wanted to let you all know that Hibbard Branding Mall has been added to the Echo Traffic Club section of the DLB.

This is a new viral mailer to help you advertise your business.

If you are interested in joining and trying to promote to earn affiliate commissions, now is the time to join.

As as general rule the first three weeks after a launch is the time to gain the most referrals so get on it!


Thursday, June 8, 2017

Welcome one and all to this weeks "What I have accomplished" post.

I have to say to those of you reading this and not succeeding.  You must communicate!

Join us on our Skype chat page and get your questions answered. Someone is there 24/7. Just like everything else in life, communication is the key.

Alright so this weeks Bitcoin to wallet is .00018894 , not to bad given what Btc is up to. I gained four GBS referrals, two Pays4Ever referrals, one All In One Profits referral and one Clixsense referral.

We now have a member of GBS who bought matrix software just to make a GBS matrix site.  It sounds like the entry fee will be .002 , however it will probably be a couple of weeks before we know anything more. So start planing now.

I also have heard rumors that the admin of GBS is not only looking to start their own matrix site for us but also are working on a traffic exchange and a mailer. Look out guys and gals, we are growing with or without you. I think it would be more fun with you though.

Last two things before I go, 
1. If you have not joined us at Pays4Ever, please check it out.
2. If you want to promote like I do Referral Frenzy is a must.

As usual, if you need me, email me, if you are one of the people who have for some reason not joined me at GBS, click one of the banners.


Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Well guys and gals, I have some bad news. I think it's official that Global 2x2 is gone.

The site went down for what we were led to believe was routine maintenance and it does not appear to be coming back up.

So this is your warning to watch out for these two people.

Global 2x2 founder Amar Bohra and sidekick Matt Crawford.

Since these tw0 people have now gone dark and have all of the money our team has invested, we must be vigilant and stay away from these people in the future.

Now for the good news, we are working on building our own matrix site run by OUR admin.
People we can trust to be here not only tomorrow but the next day as well.

So keep an eye out for big things to come in the near future.


Thursday, June 1, 2017

Welcome one and all to this weeks team post.

If you have not joined us on the GBS Skype chat yet you are missing out. I can not stress this enough.

This week we have started a new controlled team build at Global2x2.  There is a chance to be Pif'ed but you must join us on Skype to be entered. Ask for Charles McClure or Coach Kris. Tell them Bret sent ya. I am running low on Bitcoin so I can not pif anyone so you will need .002 Bitcoin.

This week we have added three new places to earn Bitcoin that I personally use to earn everyday. 
1. Get Your Bitcoin - claim every five minutes and click on the present every 30 minutes.
2. World of Bitcoin - claim every five minutes and click on the present every 30 minutes.
3. Ifaucet - this is a list of different crypto coin faucets, it's awesome for more than just Bitcoin.

Make sure and fill in your downline builder at the GBS site once you join these places.

All right, this weeks btc to wallet is .00007159, five GBS referrals, 6 Get Your Bitcoin referrals, 7 World of Bitcoin referrals, three Conversion Surf referrals and two Global2x2 referrals.

It has been a super busy week for me so I have had very little time to collect from faucets but I can not complain since Bitcoin is $2400.  

As always, keep digging and success will happen.

If you need anything, email me or get on to Skype and ask on the main chat page and someone will answer you questions.


P.S. Remember, upgraded members always earn more.

Sunday, May 28, 2017

I wanted to let all of you know that there is a new addition to the downline builder at GBS.

It is Cash In On Banners.


In a nutshell, you can join for free and rotate three banners or you can upgrade for $10 one time and rotate six banners. 

The kicker is if you do not upgrade and you refer someone that does, the commission will go to your upline. This is set up like AIOP except after referral number four you keep them all.

Join and put in your referral id in the downline builder at GBS under the tool section.

I only advertise COIB at TE's but you could advertise it in mailers to get your referrals a bit quicker.


P.S. If you have not joined me at GBS yet click one of the banners to join. Remember, active upgraded members always earn more.

Friday, May 26, 2017

Welcome to all new members and the ones that have been with me for a while.

Many of you have not logged in for a while, why not? Have you completed mission one yet? Two?

If you don't work the system, you will fail!

Let's get down to it, this weeks btc to wallet is .00023959 , three GBS referrals, once BitcoFarm referral where I was able to purchase two blue chickens and one red chicken, and one Conversion Surf referral.

As many of you know I am no longer promoting for myself only, all of my promotion is being split up between three others and myself. I am happy to help those that are willing to help themselves.

Need help with your promotions? Check out Referral Frenzy.

Global2x2 is hot right now, if you have .002 Bitcoin, you should really check it out. It has been 
making a lot of people money.

Keep earning, keep promoting, log in and follow the steps laid out in the plan,

If you have not joined me at GBS yet, just click on one of the banners.
